Monday, July 31, 2023

Zero sum

Gender criticals like Kathleen Stock will say that "sex still matters" (the title of her recent talk) which it does except that she means it as opposition to the accommodation of trans people. Using argumentation like this is meant as a zero sum game created  to deny simply allowing trans people to live openly in the world with dignity which does not erase biological reality for the rest of the 98% of humanity. A more disingenous argument could not be made which seeks to sell the idea that accommodation equals imposition.

It's all a bit dishonest much like the issue which got Anna Kasparian all hot and bothered because she thought the term "birthing person" was being proposed as replacement for traditional language surrounding procreation. It was meant to be inclusive for transgender men not to erase or impose on Kasparian's vision of herself or biologically born women in general.

Some people get so indignant over these issues when really it's not that difficult to have some sensitivity and tolerance.  However, ultimately the rub is this: transgender people aren't going anywhere because they have always existed hence the only objective of criticals is to drive them back underground and make things as difficult as possible. But their insistence will change nothing other than create misery for a tiny minority while doing nothing for the vast majority who either does not care or supports us.

All of the women who know I am trans (the rest will be told progressively) are extremely supportive of me and of our rights in general so the critical movement is a subset of women and not the majority by any stretch of the imagination. They will also use language like "transgender ideology"which is meant to paint trans people as a movement of choice. Are there gender variant people who have been liberated by loosening the reins on the gender binary and more readily play with it? Yes but that need not be Kathleen Stock's problem.

She just needs to worry about herself and live and let live; an audacious idea I know.

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