Friday, August 18, 2023


I was speaking with a friend yesterday and we briefly touched on his long distance relationship which made me think later about the fractured nature of unions and how they are sometimes held together with proverbial duct tape.

We are initially captured by pheromonal chemistry perhaps before we know ourselves well. After that it is children, shared experience, fear of being alone, economics, etc. which keeps two people together past an expiration date one or both might secretly pine for. The good ones are glued together with a true friendship which manages to transcend and weather the storms.

By now I readily recognize archetypes and the persons who are more apt to invite drama, but that takes life experience to learn. Now, like all the human experiences which are both malleable and unpredictable, I am still fascinated by how they work in each unique formula; how unions sometimes hobble and sputter along and yet persist.

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