Monday, August 7, 2023


Are some people fully transitioning who perhaps should not have? Yes. Some of them have even become willing models for transphobes to generalize their stories as being applicable to all trans people. Their numbers don't need to be statiscally significant to be used as ammunition and Walt Heyer was among the first of a number to come.

It's a risk you take in a more open environment that some will overshoot what they need to do particularly if they end up with the wrong therapist and fall victim to outside influence. If it was exceedingly difficult to transition decades ago, today it takes far less hurdles to jump and some will tailor make their own approach (for example call themselves non binary and take hormones).

That this is adding to the confusion is not surprising and the general population is even now more hopelessly perplexed than ever. The good news appears to be that they are far too busy living to care and it's mostly the dogmatic warriors making the vast majority of the noise hoping everyone brings out their pitchforks and torches to eradicate that pesky 1.4% of the population.

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