Tuesday, September 26, 2023


When I started blogging again back in April of this year I was maybe at a 100 views per day and am now pushing 1,000 which surprises me for a small limited interest blog with a blunt author who is very aware that some of what I say here runs counter to popular opinion in some circles.

But I wouldn't write if I had to walk on eggshells and circumvent topics since I want to be able to explore any subject matter without any intent of ruffling personal feathers. Looking into crevices while trying to comprehend human nature and its motives is what interests me the most and lived experience has continued to add to my arsenal in better assessing what I see. It is why philosophical concepts are so interesting to me.

I first began blogging to better understand myself and my place within a very complex topic but I have expanded my sights to all humans in general for we are highly malleable and textured creatures who seem to have a great capacity to talk ourselves in and out of things to suit a personal vision of the world.

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