Tuesday, September 19, 2023


A more open environment like we have today can lead to more confusion. On the one hand we have more people able to come out and children are identified and diagnosed earlier. On the other hand you have bigoted agendas and some who end up detransitioning because they ultimately had received the wrong advice.

It's why my focus here is to be very specific about what we are dealing with and get to the root of things. This means that the answer lies somewhere between a "trans community" united and a caustic right wing and a Terfdom that aligns with them in a black and white dogmatic fervor. Unfortunately the world does not operate with nuance and the all or nothing approach does not work in this sensitive area.

One of the reasons I think being able to
 categorize and analyze gender variance is important is specifically to be able to get help to those who need it most (which can include helping to stop a process which isn't necessary). Some vulnerable trans kid is not going to get the assistance they need if we lump everything together because we are afraid to ruffle feathers.

Unfortunately agendas are plentiful in this world and so we miss out on intelligence and nuance.


  1. Regret rates for trans related medical care is the lowest, by far, of all medical procedures at about 1%. In other medical procedure, that would be an enormous cause for celebration, but because of transphobia it's seen as a cause for concern. We know that about 70% of detransitioners do so because of lack of support, disrcimination, and family pressure, not because they aren't trans. Regret rates have not changed despite the more open environment.

    The line of reasoning you're espousing here is exactly the line of reasoning being used to deny care to trans youth already and that leads to significant rises in suicidality. The loose terminology and space to learn is a necessary safety mechanism, it saves lives because people are given a chance to explore and understand. Gatekeeping causes harm. We do not need to roll back that clock, it would be exceedingly harmful to do so.

  2. I was one of those trans kids so I know it's no picnic but on the other hand I am seeing increasingly videos being made by detransitioners who generalize their experience on to others and align with transphobes. In that sense we need to still be careful and go on a case by case basis.


All respectful comments are welcome :)

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