Tuesday, October 3, 2023


One of the ways we know we are on a transgender journey is that we constantly progress. You look back five years and you are no longer that same person. Back then you also could not even remotely imagine being where you are now. It's not a linear path of point A to point B but more an asymptotic progression where near the end you are still perfecting and changing even if the contrast over the last few years is not as dramatic as the period before that. You shoot for the optimal but never quite touch it. The older you are now the more dramatic that journey has tended to be.

I was speaking to Deanna yesterday about this very thing and what we experience is really what happens in life in general. Both of us reflecting on how far we have come.

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I abhor agendas especially when there is malevolence behind them. When we simply want to help people it becomes transparent just as much as ...