Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Closing the circle

If you have a propensity to over think as I do, you will have a lot of time to do so in retirement. There is something about unstructured time that is both rewarding yet unsettling at first for someone who had obligation for decades as primary concern. Transgender people who have put their head down and ignored or downplayed their gender dysphoria as I used to and are on their own may, in particular, be in for a rude awakening.

I've been calling this phase a clean up but it is considerably more than that. It is really a rewiring and rebranding for the last leg of my life which will hopefully still have many miles to go. This rebranding isn't about activities but about brain adaptation which is far more important and relevant.

One eventually needs to close the circle with previous history.


  1. I am an introvert over thinker. When I worked in my job I just put my head down and did the work. It was easy to focus on that and keep up the denials. When I retired I didn't have that work distraction and the denials ended.

    1. Yes I was same and there is nowhere to hide once career is over and kids are grown


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And inevitably...

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