Monday, October 2, 2023


I have lived in my quiet neighborhood for 11 years so I know what is common. The other day as I waited for the bus, a shirtless and disheveled young man maybe my son's age was walking screaming at the top of his lungs. Some of it was intelligible but much was not.

He slipped into my local corner grocer and suddenly came out again not long after and then sat on the bench near to where I was standing. He put his head between his legs and was so despondent it made your heart hurt. Not five minutes later the police came no doubt summoned by the grocery clerk because he had perhaps tried to steal food. Eventually he was goaded into the back of the squad car all the while crying and screaming.

That this is becoming more common occurence in North America and indeed the world is not surprising since our social fabric has been tearing at the seams for quite some time. We are invariably headed for a reckoning and a remaking of society in a dramatic fashion.

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