Friday, October 20, 2023

Skype call

I have that Skype call with Helene and another clinician this coming Sunday to discuss my thoughts along with other transgender people on the topic of detransitioners most of whom tend to be much younger than I.

Essentially my concern continues to center around the idea that this confusing environment is producing both overshoot and undershoot which is one of the results of opening the door much wider. I do think it will ultimately calm down but in the meantime transphobes are having a field day with what they see as the selling of the concept that "everyone is trans".

We recognize that gender variance has a wide berth and that we want responses that help everyone (provided they need it). This includes helping older transgender people resolve stigma and perhaps transition but also walking younger people who don't need to off the ledge. How this is accomplished won't be easy but ultimately having the last of the most caustic peddlers of transphobia will help tremendously.

Many people aren't good with subtlety and nuance and because they want bias confirmed, this issue will be black and white for them when it is in fact replete with greys which often require experts and not knee jerk reactions from lay people and politicians not versed in this field.

Again, I don't want to go back to my era but I think we need a healthy injection of intelligence and for calmer heads to prevail.

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