Friday, October 20, 2023

Why we are here now

That we are in the midst of a major societal overhaul is without question. The signs are everywhere which is why so many on the right are desperately up in arms. That Trump is far and away the GOP front runner for the race to the presidency is only one of the signs of the current dystopia.

It takes time to build a world order but less to dismantle it and the consequences of feeding people garbage is largely the reason for the problems we currently face. Many people are confused and uninformed but they know something is wrong so many are willing to let things collapse and be remade. Those with all the power are somewhat perplexed that the jig is up despite their best efforts, but there were just too many variables at play for them to control including a rapidly evolving mindset among millenials and younger who do not share their world vision.

Fairness and justice are always hard won in battles because too many do not operate with that as base principles. The consequences of that reality is why we are here yet again fighting desperately for them.

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