Thursday, November 16, 2023

Trans or fetish?

Ray the detransitioner (who I don't think is older than 30) put out another video recently called "trans or fetish" in which he questions whether his transition had been caused primarily by his arousal patterns which is of course entirely possible. I negated to comment on it to not start a firestorm discussion as I have more than once been known to do :)

The interesting thing of course is that arousal patterns alone do not dictate identity which means only he could answer that question for himself. My own arousal patterns (which mortified me) began at puberty and had been wholly absent since about the age of 4. Thus, were that the only impetus for a medical transition then I would have done so decades ago.

Today I know perfectly well I am driven by identity and estrogen would only calm whatever remains of any arousal (which is ostensibly almost gone).

So, trans or fetish? Only you know the answer.

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