Wednesday, November 29, 2023


One of the ways you know the gender critical movement operates on bad faith is its ardent zeal. The hatred is detectable and palpable and unlike a scientist who possesses curiosity, they desperately find reasons to vilify the object of their ire.

When you are trying to find a solution to an issue and investigating it, you are best served by keeping your objectivity such that the small subtleties of the subject matter can be considered. When I was first reading Blanchard and then upon seeing him interviewed, it became obvious that there was an agenda even before I began to poke holes in his flimsy "science". Contrast that to Harry Benjamin who was motivated solely by curiosity and a genuine desire to help his patients.

No matter what subject matter we investigate, we should be open to being wrong and indeed over the course of my writing, my thinking has developed substantially such that I see merit where I previously had not. We need to ask ourselves if our intent is honorable and if we are seeking the most public good and if this is not the case, we should then begin to question our motives.

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