Friday, December 1, 2023


I am a difficult person to convince of anything because I examine things carefully and with a critical eye before accepting whether there is veracity. It's why I find it fascinating to examine our own belief system over our lifetime and realize how much was absorbed without sufficient questioning because you took its inner workings as a given.

This is of course normal because when young we don't possess the right tool kit and critical thinking requires a decent level of detachment. It's hard to do that when you are immersed in the bubble of a world you think you comprehend.

At this age I can step back and look at my past and present and see the drastic difference in approach. Mostly what I see now is that much of the world adopts dogmas without enough analysis because there is safety in finding shelter within shared belief. It need not matter if the model is perfect; it just needs to be sufficiently comforting.

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