Saturday, December 2, 2023

Dumbing down

Sometimes I watch old interviews such as the ones Dick Cavett and Mike Douglas used to do and the first thing which strikes me is the calm and decorum which is clearly missing today. The guests were not only better educated but their social graces were superior and I invite you to see for yourself.

The dumbing down of society is not a fabrication of the imagination. It is very much real and observable and grown adults acting like immature teens seems to be a distinct phenomenon.

It's hard to pinpoint how it happened but clearly it was a subtle enough progression that we only notice it through contrast. Even game shows in the 1960's had both celebrities and players show us a higher standard of behaviour.

My suspicion is that having a tighter grip on expectations forced people to try and improve their personal brand whereas today it seems to be a badge of honor to be a crass and ignorant dolt.

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Brick wall

This is what you are up against with MAGA...