Saturday, December 2, 2023


My relationship and attachment to appearance has morphed greatly. Yes I like to be feminine and I will put on earrings and light makeup before leaving the house in the morning, but thinking about it beyond that becomes needless distraction.

It makes sense that something becomes less novel as it becomes part of daily existence. I went from chomping at the bit as a young teen to get a rare opportunity to express myself out of the house during those early forays to where I am today. That is a span of over 45 years and what my existence now has done is eliminate that longing and turned it into comfort, stability and harmony.

That I don't take many photos of myself these days is because I don't feel i need to. For I have come to a place where my validation comes entirely from the internal sense of self.

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Brick wall

This is what you are up against with MAGA...