Saturday, December 2, 2023

How much do we choose

When I was first researching the topic of gender variance I was then and still am most interested in the concept of choice. It was the rubber hits the road difference for me and I would ask myself why on earth would anyone choose this; something which was difficult to manage and went so much against the grain of society.

Over the years I concluded that the amount of choice was directly correlated to gender dysphoria. In other words, the more intense the disconnect was, the less choice you had to do something about it which was what Harry Benjamin was telling me in his 1966 landmark book. But then over the years I would also meet people who had chosen to express gender variance simply because they wanted to which was yet another wrinkle to ponder. I had dinner with one such person and his wife which was interesting to say the least. Perhaps at his level it could have been termed propensity but who knows.

I still reflect on the idea of choice but without the heavy trauma that used to accompany it. For not only has the world changed, but most importantly I have as well.

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Brick wall

This is what you are up against with MAGA...