Sunday, December 3, 2023

It's all relative

Postmodernism is ostensibly about relativism. The idea is that there are few fixed absolutes and we simply draw lessons from history to make conclusions about the nature of humanity. Many conservatives have a problem with relativism and indeed all greys and, although I do believe that fundamental truths exist, the people most bemoaning cultural change themselves do not seem to own exclusive insight on these same truths.

Go back and examine all the great philosophers and you will see sometimes marked disagreements between them which proves how elusive our understanding of our existence can be. I am simply of the opinion that we are to be humbled by the quality of creation and cannot know all. The mosquito does not comprehend the nature of the human and the human in turn is perplexed by the grandeur which constitutes our reality on this planet.

So I keep and open mind and think about advancing the common good and using reasonable assumptions to arrive at the best solutions possible for humanity while knowing we are limited and will remain so while we are.

The idea that humans are in progress of constantly improving seems to run counter to the evidence. But we can certainly keep trying.

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