Sunday, December 3, 2023

In an instant

The pandemic had a very significant impact on many of us. Cocooned away in our houses, we were perhaps more easily prompted to examine our lives to date and make sense of them. I know I am here in large part because this marking event happened and I am not the only person to have come to revelations because I have spoken to others.

It is only when the merry-go-round is forced to stop that we can question why we were riding it in the first place.

I am certain that we are still living with the fallout only that it's now attained such subtle tones to have blended into a low background hum. The complacency we lived under before has given way to a more stark reality that things can change very dramatically in only an instant.


  1. My egg cracked 2 months before the lockdown ironically (at least admitting I was a CD). But the lockdown allowed me time to examine more deeply which ended up being more than CD. I needed that time.

    1. It can be a very long process especially if you start from a place of complete denial as I did.

    2. I was the same in terms of denial and repression. I "CDed" for decades in secret but I couldn't even admit to myself I was CDing. When I came out to my wife in a letter just writing the words "I am a CDer," I barely could type those words. My hands trembled. The admission is the first step. And then you peel back the layers slowly over a long time. That's how it was for me.

    3. The key is not to talk yourself in or out of anything but simply seek balance and harmony. The answer will come on its own


All respectful comments are welcome :)


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