Wednesday, January 17, 2024


If we don't develop a strong backbone as transgender people then life is going to suck. This is particularly true if we don't blend in well. Even people who are very tall or very short sometimes get looks so being in any way timid about stares is going to reduce our living pleasure.

Transgender or not, removing the thought that people's opinions matter is mandatory if we are going to lead optimally content lives. Some youth have perfect "passing" privilege especially if they began HRT early but then youth also fills us with natural insecurities which have us question things which maturity later sees us chuckle over.

We are not trying to pass as anything other than ourselves therefore we don't want to limit ourselves to "ghettos". Living openly in the world is something I would never give up for my right to exist bows to no one. So we let people stare all they like until they get bored or conversely we give them the stink eye.

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