Tuesday, January 16, 2024


People are never going to get along so we accept it and just live our own lives. This blog doesn't need to exist anymore but it does because of my fascination with human dynamics. There is so much insecurity in humans that we must constantly feel the need to fight to gain recognition and respect.

As I've gotten older, I've reached the point where the opinion of others no longer matters but I notice there is still some instinct in me to push back against blatant ignorance while realizing it is like bailing water out of a boat with a thousand holes. Opinion simply turns into fact for some without much reflection because they so desperately want to believe in their own truth.

We want to be loved and understood and the world is hungry for human contact. We have retreated to the virtual world where we can have our own kingdoms, our own opinions and faithful fans who tick a like box every time we post something. It is almost cloying and saccharine but then the instinct to be seen and heard is so powerful.

This blog doesn't have the same audience it used to but then I am no longer the same person. We progress into ourselves, we seek balance and we find resilience in a world that has plenty of people in it lining up to knock you down. I have not in the last few years been a good person to perturb because decades of frustration had built indignation in me but I am putting those weapons down slowly. I just need to look around and see so many people much worse off than I am and it all melts away.

We need charity and kindness.

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