Monday, January 29, 2024

From 49 to 61

I began blogging at age 49 and I am now 61 with the person I was then having grown so much as to almost be unrecognizable. Yes, the core is the same but the change in mindset has been nothing short of drastic. I have learned so much about myself and how I needed to live with this difference:

- We always need to be ourselves and be open even if it risks being ostracized. I realized that in coming out the quality of my friendships was such that I lost none of them and if anything gained more respect through them witnessing my resilience.

- We are adults and the way to incorporate our nature into our lives needs to be elevated and matured to the same level as every other aspect lest we see it remain infantilzed which I suspect most of us do not want. This applies whether we transition or not.

- Whatever we call ourselves is far less important than how we live our lives.

- Maintaining self-respect is mandatory. Never apologize for who you are.

- Shame and guilt are to be saved for things that merit it.

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