Friday, January 19, 2024

Two personages

Gender variance in natal females has always been different to that of males. Because it was more tolerated, it didn't need to go underground quite as much and tomboyish behavior and even phases were allowed until they perhaps worked themselves out during adolescence or didn't. This variant behaviour could be often tied to orientation as feminine hetero females were much less like to indulge in variance than sometimes more masculine leaning lesbians.

There weren't secret clubs for these women where they could express themselves other than perhaps lesbian bars or clubs.

Relief valves for expression in natal males being much less readily available, it had to go to the privacy of the home or to secret societies for the like-minded so heavy was the stigma. I was reminded that it still exists among some younger gender variant people when I watched the detransition videos of Ray Williams who preferred to transition to Rachel rather than face the shame of being "just a crossdresser" (to use his own words).

If we are to finally become more enlightened on this subject, we would do well to allow people to live as they please and remove the weight of society. But as quickly as I say that, I know there are right wingers, gender criticals and even some transgender people themselves willing to denigrate something which has always existed and always will. Despite their best efforts though, I see things changing with the young generation.

What is oddly fascinating is how society has forced many men who don't question birth sex but simply want to play with gender to create schizophrenic lives consisting of two distinct and separate personages where one was the social mask and the other the relief valve.

Not entirely sure how healthy for the psyche that ever was. All I know is that it did not work for me.

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