Friday, February 23, 2024

Blind spots

We try to work on our blind spots which typically are the result of self protection techniques we developped over time starting in childhood. As someone who learned very early to be wary of people, I found ways to navigate society but always with an eye open for being singled out or ridiculed. As a result you fashion a persona which is close to who you are but trusts very hesitantly.

Therefore I developped a penchant for using intellect to judge those who I thought deserved my disdain particularly if they combined, what I had determined, was ignorance combined with arrogance. This made me develop a blind spot against giving people more of a chance.

It takes a lot of introspection sometimes to dissect what blocks us from becoming better people and life often does not help us by offering us early trauma before we are prepared for it. So we work backwards as we get older and surgically remove those elements which have stalled our progress towards fulfillment which is not to be confused with being permanently happy; for that is a myth.

Purpose, self-confidence and motivation are what drives happiness and all are not attained through financial means. They are entirely free and yet often much more elusive than we would like since they require effort of reflection.

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