Saturday, February 3, 2024


Being human is  to put mildly, complex. Now add to that putting two people together and have that work out without incident.

YouTube is chock full of relationship advice from all kinds of sources. This morning I perused one from a white-bearded rabbi who extolled the virtues of intimacy. I listened and took the grain of what he was saying and agreed with it. He was talking about a connectedness that we have largely lost but even in the past only a few were able to find.

We want a partner we can speak to and be emotionally and intellectually connected with. There off the bat it can be a tall order because we may not have realized the importance when we were in our 20's. Some are blessed with this level of understanding when younger but I will stick my neck out and say it is rare.

Human connections are very meticulously crafted and subject to the moodiness of each person and the personal past hurts they shoulder. Once the pheromones are depleted we may be left staring at a person whose inner workings we barely comprehend because we have enough trouble with our own.

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