Wednesday, March 6, 2024


I've always been a political junkie and am not only interested in current events but geopolitical issues as well. One of my deep disappointments has consistently been the degree to which so many people are not informed and when certain topics come up I am often astounded at the views I hear.

In the past when we were not as connected to so many sources of media, people who did not have much  interest in issues were less exposed to varied opinions but today you can find your own reality online and simply subscribe to it. Whether you think the earth is flat or are a QAnon believer, etc, you are certain to find fellow true believers or an audience if you are a content creator yourself.

Subject matter experts are questioned like never before by people who have no qualifications to speak of simply because another source led them to a different conclusion. The veracity of the information became less important than your belief in the person feeding it to you.

This problem has been getting worse and has been affecting politics to the point where the current GOP front runner does not need to tell the truth and knows it. Once you understand that many people aren't critical thinkers and won't fact-check you, then the only important thing is your ability to convince them.

I have never seen so many charlatans online as I do today and with so many agendas out there, you have never been more able to propagate lies with such efficacy. You simply need a podium and a message that resonates at a gut level and, unfortunately, stoking fear in people has always been a very good strategy.

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