Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Common sense

Identity isn't about who people think you are, it's about who you know you are. If we don't believe it, we will convince no one else.

For binary transsexuals that was either a man or a woman as they saw their birth sex as a grave error or a cruel twist of fate, however I think that identity can be more complex than that. At the core it is about something so intrinsic to you that it is hard wired from birth.

The majority of gender variant people do not fully medically transition but that does not make them less versed in their own identity. What is important is that we understand that embracing who we are should have the ultimate goal of bringing us improved quality of life for that is what being genuine does for us.

One of the more disingenous arguments of gender criticals is that transgender women in particular are trying to usurp the role of natal females. This has brought on philosophical arguments about safe spaces but not in good faith and more as a bludgeon to sell the idea of the male predator in disguise. While there have been a few scattered incidents of people behaving strangely, they have been picked up by criticals as representing the whole which is akin to finding a white racist southerner and saying that all southern men are.

Forcing transgender women to use male bathrooms is not only being deliberately stupid, it is not enforceable unless you plan to run both genetic testing and genital inspection before admitting entry. In other words, it causes problems where none exist which is what happens when you allow pea-brained and hate-filled imbeciles to set policies.

There are all kinds of strange people on the planet which is nothing new and some are a little too vocal and radical but again they are not the majority. By virtue of their militancy they do the rest a disservice because every infraction is viewed by the criticals as confirmation that they are right. There are also transgender people who prey on each other as a way to fortify their own authenticity which is unfortunate.

Eventually the dust will settle on what is a turbulent period where most of the wrangling is happening at more philosophical and governmental levels. The average person cares far less and it is there where the normalcy is being mostly established. If I base myself on the opinions at the level of my daily experience with regular people, I feel that I am right and it is what ultimately happened with gays and lesbians.

Common sense and decency tend to win out in the end but often not without first having enormous battles with people who are numbskulls. Even then discrimation will exist regardless because you cannot fix everyone.

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