Sunday, March 31, 2024

Blending in

What does blending in mean?

There are transgender people who live full time and perhaps do not escape detection to the point of not caring. Conversely there are also people who present part time who may escape detection entirely when in public.

But the point isn't to blend is it? It is to live without fear regardless of how well we escape detection. I am fascinated by this topic because it seems to be a universal theme within the entire gender variant gradient and invites much discourse.

I see young transgender people on public transit who live full time and aren't the least bit concerned about being identified. Then I look at an advocate like Lily Alexandre who entirely blends in perhaps inadvertently via genetic predisposition and through having begun transition early in life. Either way both are left alone because they know who they are and it shows.

I have always said it isn't about "passing" as much as being ourselves which is one reason I abhor the term "crossdressing" which assumes we are usurping someone else's identity by pretending. Yes, not all gender variant people identify as transgender or have ever questioned birth sex but the point is this does not and should not matter. 

You are always yourself and shouldn't need to worry about hiding because of fear of public repercussion. You aren't committing a crime.

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