Saturday, March 30, 2024

Elevating ourselves

The world thrives on people criticizing people. Insecurities take over and we can't help but weigh in on why someone else has something wrong with them. It is as primeval an aspect of humanity as you can get.

However, as we become increasingly comfortable with who we are, the temptation for envy and comparison drops off entirely and we are left with finding satisfaction entirely from our own internal source.

As I was working through my own issues I realized that much of my frustration was of my own making. I had concluded that I was not deserving of being accepted entirely for who I am which in turn encouraged judgment of others. I had been raised with so much discipline that I weighed in on those who seemed to coast through life as a way to somehow compensate.

Today I have no interest in what others do or how they identify as long as they are content and harm no one else. I have elevated my self-esteem to include all facets of my identity and understand intrinsically what I will tolerate as a way to protect the psyche. This is work only we can do through our introspection  which will result in a care for the self. This is not about hubris but about self-respect.

What I am left with now is to continue to temper outrage at a world that does not function as it should.

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