Thursday, March 21, 2024

Fear of living dishonestly

With increasing age comes the urgency to live as honestly as possible. We remove the pressures coming from what we now recognize to be largely irrational societal dictates and attempt to become the most authentic version of ourselves possible. For me, starting around age 55 I had to untether myself from unnecessary adherence to a life which had never completely suited me to begin with.

Fear is always the biggest hurdle but as it turns it was the fear of living the rest of my life dishonestly which spurred me into advancement. There was no specific timeline only that I could not allow myself to stagnate. Whatever the baseline, I was going to rest there once my efforts to completely free myself proved successful.

Social and family pressures plus the weight of a lifetime of programming proved to be less heavy to remove than I had estimated because we are always our own biggest enemy. We find reasons not to act rather than paths to our own liberation.

Therefore I encourage you to not stagnate and continue to grow into yourself because once you hit that mark you will be able to feel it. This is not about advancing for its own sake but rather about not inhibiting movement forward where the psyche naturally needs to go to find both fulfillment and peace.

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