Sunday, March 10, 2024

Love math

I watched the video made by someone who reduced the power dynamics of relationships between men and women into a series of diagrams, notes and graphs. Looking at it that way was odd but I realized while it was playing that he wasn't wrong. He had reduced everything to mechanical analysis which had also been bolstered by surveys and polling about what people look for. 

This level of almost cynicism was geared towards helping the viewer improve their chances with the opposite sex and admittedly much of it was common sense. Having good personal hygiene and posture were obvious but less so was how hypergamy works with its low level instinct versus high level thinking. In an era of swiping right or left on an app, we have reduced what used to be more nuanced to a game where there must be an immediate hint of a spark lest I move to the next photo.

I laughed a little while watching it but also felt a little sad in that so much of human behavior can be summarized so succinctly and predictably. Our animal instinct is still the primary driver despite living in a changing and complex climate which sometimes confuses and frustrates it.

I observe this from a distance today after my appetite for this game has long subsided and realize now how much I had to learn while I lived in my youthful and innocent stupor.

I guess I didn't yet know enough math.

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