Thursday, March 28, 2024


Yesterday I posted Lily Alexandre's video about TERFS and their alignment with the far right wing. These are strange bedfellows but since they have a common enemy in transgender people they will gladly unite forces even if their aspirations are in opposition.

Lily represents the model of what is possible for transgender youth. Under 25 and sure of herself, she has been spared decades of stigma and programming where identity had to be suppressed. Living openly, as difficult as it might be, offers her a chance to be authentically herself. She is bright and articulate and has the privilege of being able to blend into society which I am sure she is very aware of.

When I was her age in the early 1980's the world was a much different place and we survived within its restrictive confines. The idea that we could ever live openly in the world was a far fetched idea and so we put it away as many other transgender people had done for millennia.

Lily is the result of what can happen when progress is allowed to slowly take hold.


  1. We certainly need more like Lily, and fewer like Lia Thomas and Mulvaney. Most Anti-trans campaigners are not intelligent enough to even respond to Lily, let alone understand her, so they go for the low-lying fruit.

    1. You are so right Connie she is well-spoken and intelligent and not strident at all. She defends herself very well too but alas transgender people run a wide gamut just like the rest of the population and there are going to be less than stellar role models. No offense against the others but being dim is not an asset


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