Monday, March 25, 2024

The perfect formula

My analytical mind has tended to turn me into a bit of a cynic which isn't ideal. Life beats you up a bit and you begin to lose faith in the goodness of human beings. Thus today I come at everything with a sense of having seen it before because you have learned about human typologies and the roots of what makes them tick.

This is not good for keeping a sense of wonder and innocence although it does protect one from major damage. My rigorous approach to everything has tended to keep me safe but has also avoided the adventure which sometimes comes from risk. After all I was raised by parents who had been hardened early on in their lives and because of it extolled the value of discretion.

In the end there is no perfect formula because risk takers sometimes admire those who avoid pitfalls through planning. The secret to life seems to be a balance of openness to being surprised with the wisdom to know when to avoid going too far down a certain path which leads to a dark place.

Being badly burned isn't always bad however as the scar will serve as permanent reminder to always maintain a level of caution.

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