Friday, April 26, 2024


The definition of the word transgender needs to include both expression and identity within it. After all the word is about "transcending gender" which incorporates what the world sees but much more importantly what we see inside ourselves which is what determines motivation.

Therefore what one wears should in theory be a reflection of how one feels and perhaps also wants to convey to the world. Here it can get interesting because masculinity and femininity can be independent of birth sex which is why some women tend to be masculine and some men feminine. Their leanings can be conveyed both through mannerism and way of dressing often in direct contravention of what is expected by society.

The definition of transgender needs to go beyond solely expression because otherwise what we wear effectively becomes a costume we don on occasion (which can indeed be the sole objective of some people). Ultimately we wear clothing which we enjoy, we find comfortable and can also vary depending on the masculine or feminine energy which predominates in the moment.

In the past, society heavily constrained both natal males and females to pretense by giving them very prescriptive rules about how to dress and behave. There were some who flaunted those rules but they existed within a very miniscule minority. Over time that minority has kept growing and what I like is that with each successive generation these people aren't trying to "pass" as anything other than themselves. Some may be gender dysphoric and possibly transition but certainly not all. 

The point is that they are increasingly ditching their fear as society becomes progressively used to them and they no longer need to live inside closets. For I can scarcely think of anything more depressing than hiding from the world and the opinions from strangers that are ostensibly worthless.

We just might be growing up as a society after all. At least on that particular front.

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