Friday, April 26, 2024

Where AGP went wrong

Ray Blanchard wasn't the least bit interested in motivation. He saw phenomena and went to label it for he was impacted by his own zeal and prejudice to sell the idea of perversion. Whether you had ever been aroused by dressing as or imagining yourself as a woman was the only point worthy of consideration.

The problem is that all the nuance resides within the sphere of motivation for there are people who are (to varying degrees) dysphoric and misaligned between body and mind just as there are those who dress mainly for sexual pleasure. For Blanchard, both were one and the same which was the only way to sell his hypothesis. Introduce doubt and the whole thing risked crumbling which was definitely not allowed if one was trying to sell something even remotely approaching science.

Today no serious clinician still considers AGP to be valid (at least not the ones I know and read) and the disciples who are left are the gender criticals and the keenly motivated haters who gobble it up whole.

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