Saturday, April 20, 2024

Taking a beating

As I've grown older I have changed my perspective on the world. Where previously I had tended to think that more people were judicious and intelligent, I now see them as a smaller percentage of the population.

Trumpism only confirmed to me how correct my assessment was and how history repeats itself because so many in the masses are gullible to a point I had dared not imagine.

So whereas my cynicism has grown with age I now find solace in whatever oases I can find so my faith can be restored. As for unreachable, I use the Samuel Clemens advice of "never argue with stupid people, for they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience".


  1. Even a person of average IQ, with critical thinking skills, is smarter than one with a 130 IQ, who is lacking in those skills. I've always liked the story of the college professor changing a flat tire at the side of a country road. He had accidentally kicked the loose lug nuts into the gutter and was standing there wondering how far he'd have to walk to get help (this was before cell phones). A country bumpkin-type happened to walk by, studied the situation with a few head-scratches, and said to him, "Just take one lug nut off each of the other three wheels and put them on this one!"

    1. Lol good one! Yes critical thinking not always book learning gives u that :)


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