Friday, May 24, 2024

Becoming ourselves

What does becoming our authentic selves mean exactly? Well for one thing it should imply a detachment from preordained reference points.

Since we were very young we learned to live by comparison. What our peers did was used as example to adhere to as a model irrespective of its suitability. We were to do as we were told which was to be enough. Therefore becoming authentic should imply removing ourselves from these models and rid ourselves of the fear of doing so. The alternative is to keep existing under the yolk of a structure which may somewhat suit a sizeable majority but which may be anathema to us.

Even within the world of gender variance I see constant reference points. Some worry about "passing" to which I would counter with passing as what? for there is an implied reference there which smells of emulation but not necessarily of authenticity. We aim to be ourselves and not someone else.

Becoming ourselves first takes root in the brain and then affects the actions we take as a consequence. To do that we unhitch ourselves from comparing and from the fear of opinion of the madding crowd.

Then we move forward.

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