Monday, June 17, 2024

Check the box

The lunch with my sister more than met expectation. We both agreed it was long overdue.

I can now put a check mark next to her name:)


  1. It was more than a Q&A session, then? I'm happy for you!

    1. Yes it was and she admitted she wasn't ready before but now it became a non event :) of course she admits she is not educated on gender variance but at least she accepts me exactly as I am

    2. I don't care if someone is knowledgeable about gender variance if they can accept me as I am. I spent way too much of my own life trying to understand before finally accepting myself, so I can't imagine how one without gender dysphoria could understand, anyway. I'll always accommodate those who are sincere with their questions, though - although I've found that I get fewer questions these days. I believe it's my own confidence and sense of self that answers their questions better than I could ever put into words!

    3. You are so absolutely correct. Know who you are and show it!


All respectful comments are welcome :)

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