Monday, June 3, 2024

How much choice do I have?

If you've read my writing for some time you know I talk a lot about choice. For example, a fox doesn't have any choice but be a fox and can do nothing to change it.

So when I reflect on the axis of identity and expression I am always thinking in terms of choice and how much is being exercised. In principle, the more one is entrenched in identity, the less choice one should have in trying to reject it.

I have met many people over my life who seemed to be exercising different levels of choice. The more they spoke in terms of identity the less choice they felt they had. The problem for older people is that their childhood programming did not readily permit them to think in terms of identity and they may have confused their desire for cross gender expression as compulsion rather than affirming who they were.

If we accept that there is a biological component involved in creating transgender people, then this would be an element which removes choice. Therefore when we reflect on who we are, we should think in terms of how much choice we feel we are exercising.

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