Tuesday, June 4, 2024

I talk to people

This morning Linda saw me on the walking path and gave me a hug. We hadn't seen each other for a long time and we exchanged numbers. I used to see her often in the early morning during the pandemic.

Yesterday an older lady started talking with me at the bus stop and we ended riding part of the way together. She told me a bit about her life and she was so lovely.

The day before that, I met Andree on the bus who is 60 and works as a hairdresser in Old Montreal. She has children a few years older than mine and has been alone for quite a number of years. She is reflecting on slowing down before retirement.

Where I live is walkable and friendly but also I am in a good place and people notice it. Even Linda told me it looked like I had taken off years.

Turns out that living with stress is not a good thing.

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