Sunday, June 30, 2024


I observe people carefully and by now recognize many typologies. Some are rude, brash and arrogant while others go through life like mice not wanting to disrupt or be heard. In the middle there are all sorts and through experience we learn to navigate the eratic behaviour that sometimes ends up on our lap when we least expect.

I don't fear people but they often fatigue me and yet I have been working on my charity and patience more than ever. Altruism and kindness draw me in whilst aggressive narcissism repels. Trump for example, is one of the most distasteful archetypes I can think of which is a caustic combination of brash and entitled accented by a massive stupidity.

I told my very even-tempered 24 year old son yesterday that the best skill set he can develop is people management skills which build upon his self-esteem and defenses but temper it with an ability to unite and uplift the dignity of others.

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