Thursday, July 25, 2024


Presuming you are over fifty, if I had asked you in your early twenties to predict what your life would be like, most of you would have likely gotten it wrong. The career you expected, the type of marriage you would have, etc would have been idealized portraits instead of what ended up being. Youth does not provide us the insight to realize that life has far too many variables within it that we cannot control.

Today it feels good to relinquish control because I have no need to force things any longer. I have learned where effort yields results and where it is wasted in futility. I think that living in the present involves a good deal of accepting things as they are while being open to organic change. We don't fight against a naturally occurring tide that simply needs to do what it must.

Accepting who I am was like this in that it involved stopping the urge to control things such that I could fit in. Finally I could drop much of the facade and let natural instinct guide me to where I needed to be to find both balance and calm.

Thus, whatever needed to happen, invariably did.

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