Friday, July 19, 2024

More on voice



  1. I have a Moron voice, myself. :) Not really, but I use inflection without a very high pitch - cuz I'm really a baritone. I literally woke up one morning, a few years ago, to discover that I'd lost my falsetto. That was more hurtful to me as a singer than it was to my feminine expression, however. I still can cover almost 3 octaves, but the lower half is of little use to me anymore (unless I'm singing in the shower - in which case my maleness is already exposed, anyway. :)

    1. I am also a natural baritone but instead of using falsetto used a vocal chord restriction technique which I picked up from reading the internet. It took some practice but became effortless after a while. I know not all transgender people consider this aspect 8mportsnt but it was for me :)


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