Monday, July 15, 2024

The wrong side of history

Conservatives are naturally averse to change and there are studies showing that people can be born with a predisposition to be either more liberal or more conservative. I reject  conservatism more than ever which some might think counterintuitive as one ages except that my leanings have always involved questioning and being open to learning and growing as I examine topics.

When I began blogging I questioned all of the orthodoxy involving gender variance until I was able to separate myth from whatever science we had on the subject matter. There was little point in inventing my own opinions until I had combed through the information which existed especially since much of it was contradictory.

Conservatism has largely been associated with anti-intellectualism for good reason since a good portion of its disciples tend, from first instinct, to fear and reject things they know little about. They are more apt to hold rigid views with little basis in established research thus ending up at loggerheads with the scientific and medical communities. Unsurprisingly they find themselves repeatedly on the wrong side of history with views on the inferiority of women or certain racial groups as examples of their intransigence; one which sees them repeatedly dragged kicking and screaming into progress.

The current landscape which includes QAnon quackery, vaccine misinformation, climate change denialism, Christian nationalism, etc shows to what extent some people will go proving that humans don't really progress all that much; at least not in brain horsepower.

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