Thursday, August 22, 2024


I completely welcome being disagreed with and receiving other points of view. If I learn something from someone else I am the better for it because putting my head in the sand isn't going to help me improve my knowledge base. I have no vested interest in being right but only in expanding my mind.

The thing I hate most in this world is willful ignorance and people who weigh in on things they know nothing about. When it impacts the lives of others it is even more pertinent to be careful.

We need to have charity and patience and work on removing our blinders. We need to meet people where they are and attempt to understand them before we make a judgment. I had to work on that aspect because I felt I would be judged and did so in return.

Cruelty isn't an intrinsic part of every human but it can be fostered and bred such that the person feels trapped and resentful of the world. But the world is full of people who have fallen victim to the frustrations of others and adopted them as their own.

Trumpism banked on the negativity of grievance and stoked the fires of the worst instincts of a populace. Thankfully it looks like it will not succeed in spreading itself any further into the American conciousness and come November there will be a fresh start.

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