Thursday, August 22, 2024

Know your core

Understanding and accepting that at my core I am female is what finally tipped the scales for my psyche. I wasn't a man expressing femininity but instead my dysphoria was telling me there was much more.

I am one of the least likely people you will meet for beginning cross gender expression electively and out of a sense of exploration or curiousity. Instead for me it was a primordial and intrinsic calling which goes back to earliest memory. Whether that happened in vitro or not I will never know but it no longer matters. I used to wonder if some people mistaking me for a girl was one of the signs.

I ruled out trauma as I had a pretty good childhood with loving but strict parents who I suspect would have given me support had I come out to them. My mother certainly came around.

Today I hold up my femininity with pride and bask in the glow of friendships with people who love me in any form and live an authentic life.

With that and the love and respect of my children, I need nothing else.

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