Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Dysfunction models

Interestingly, toxic models of gender variance were created and propagated largely by people who were themselves frustrated and repressed people. At this age this has become crystal clear to me but it wasn't when I less understood human psychology.

The more we are hot and bothered by someone else's existence, the more it says about your own frustrations and insecurities.

If you look at many native cultures where there was less repression, people tended to be more accepted for who they were. If they weren't celebrated outright, at least they were not persecuted for being different. Judeo-Christian society had far more trouble with diversity I think in part because of its rigid need to control the population and repent for anything that didn't fit a preordained box..

So for example, Kurt Freund came out of repressive  post war eastern block European culture, emigrated to Canada and proceeded to mentor a man who was himself a victim of repression.

The more constrained we feel the more likely we will try and find people who we deem have no right to free themselves when we can't.

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