Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Word Salad

Jordan Peterson's views on things he knows nothing about continues to have a fan base with many. His shtick has been mostly based on the optics of sounding intellectual but really saying very little. I have seen him get rattled when his evasive tactics don't work on someone who sees through him and his invariable reliance on word salad.

What he is at his core is the curmudgeon who is having trouble with social change. He is perennially unhappy and sour which is what most conservatives seem to be these days. As example, his hyperbole on Bill C-16 and being forced to use pronouns at gunpoint illustrates how alarmist he and his cohorts can get.

Someone like Peterson brought up under a more restrictive social model, would be more inclined to resist the idea of people exploring their identity. They talk about objective truth as cover to simplify topics which are infinitely more nuanced. But then conservatives don't do nuance or greys very well at all which is why the often ruffled professor fits in so well with his new friends at The Daily Wire where they are experts primarily at outrage...

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