Wednesday, August 7, 2024


With firebrand simplicity Tim Walz delivered a blunt message to the GOP in Philadelphia yesterday "Mind your own damned business" which encapsulated what will resonate with voters fed up with Trumpism. His candid and precise messaging is his primary selling point along with his record of basic decency.

The party of personal freedom has over the years become one of cultural intervention which is what happens when you change identity to please all the people under your tent. In this case it was evangelicals who will help the Harris/Walz ticket to finally rid itself of the putrid pestilence that is Trump.

Walz will be hard to attack and with an unapologetic record of helping the people of his state,  the stark contrast will shine against the hate and fear-filled agenda of Republican opponents who will have little to fight back with other than pea shooter level scare tactics.

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