Thursday, August 15, 2024

Great Expectations

It's really amazing. What we now recognize as naturally-occurring diversity existed since the dawn of civilization and yet it was sold as dysfunction when set against a baseline which was considered the only acceptable normal. The vast majority of people simply did as they were instructed; all the more so if they already fit more readily within a band of expectation.

Ostensibly we sold myth as being truth and reality was dismissed as fiction.

The reasons are not very complicated because predictability is far more desirable by the ruling class. If people could be manipulated into conformity, predictable patterns could be established. Hence the clergy and the monarchs conspired to force uniformity where much more variance would have sprouted without coercion.

I talk frequently with young people who have been spared the deeply ingrained programming and they are far more chill about everything. They may have anxiety about economic issues but on the cultural front there is a noticeable absence of societal trauma borne out of expectation.

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