Thursday, August 29, 2024

Puppet master

Whoever is controlling my puppet strings is very wise. In retrospect I can see that now because you cannot have issues this big in your life and not deal with them head on.

I avoided, delayed and sought refuge in relationships all in the name of forcing a conventional life that didn't quite fit me. Thankfully, my stubborn ways had my children end up in the picture.

But dealing with something this big required much alone time which the last 8 years provided me. In there the pandemic gave me a huge boost with my retirement serving as the last important piece of the puzzle.

I am transsexual which is inescapable and burying it in the sand wasn't going to provide me with the internal peace I craved. I needed a very carefully crafted plan which is now in the last 10% of refinement.

But the puppetmaster helped me in a way I didn't understand back then. Except that with the benefit of hindsight, I very much now do.

I'd also like to think that my father has been lending a hand all along.

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